About Us

Client Focussed


We are a Botswana based business psychology and human resources consultancy who work collaboratively with our clients to develop and execute talent strategies using our expertise, state of the art technology and high-quality online assessment solutions.


At the core of our values is a recognition that each client is unique. Respecting this, we provide a truly personal service dedicated to securing a thorough understanding of our clients’ businesses and what drives them.


Exercising a highly collaborative and consultative approach, our focus is to devise bespoke solutions to any talent management challenge that might face organisations and their leaders within today’s ever moving and changeable world.


Meet the team

Our Experts

Our client relationships

As Psychologists and HR Practitioners, we appreciate that in today’s world of artificial intelligence, depersonalised processes and systems–based solutions, there is a greater need than ever before to include a personal touch. With this we firmly believe and strive to build long term relationships with all of our clients.

Custom reporting

We deliver unlimited custom reports with your branding and competencies mapped to each role using our online profiling system. Our local team of software developers can integrate the Evalex assessment platform with your hr software for seamless talent management. Save on time preparing candidate reports with our digital interactive platform where candidates have the freedom to build their development plan. 

Assessing job levels & behaviour enables talent mobilization across your business through archetypes & multiple job match reporting. 

Tailored approach

Our model is simple – Identify, Design and Manage. 

Firstly, we  work with you to identify the talent management needs specific to your business, then, we design solutions to meet those needs and finally, help you manage and implement, whilst all the time providing insight, advice and guidance.

Assessing job levels & behaviour enables talent mobilization across your business through archetypes & multiple job match reporting. 

Our Partners

We work closely with Evalex who has a proud 35+ year track record in helping organisations with talent management solutions.

During this time they have been exposed to clients in almost all industries, have interfaced with almost every existing market solution and offering.

They understand their respective advantages and limitations.